Replenish the score


Draw your attention to

The above methods of replenishment of the account are possible only for the transponder of individuals.You can also replenish the personal account in the sales office.For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, replenishment is produced only by bank transfer by issuing an account.

With a zero or negative balance, replenish the personal account at least 30 minutes before the passage of the payment point


Where can I get a transponder?

You can buy a transponder at the customer service center.The cost of the transponder "Standard" - 1,500 rubles, transponder "plus" - 1900 rubles.To do this, you need to have:

  • for individuals - a passport;
  • for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs - a document confirming the powers of a person;Passport and details.

OOO Customer Service Center “Osa-Severs”: St. Petersburg, ul.Plannernaya, d. 18, bldg.2

Call Center: +7 (812) 380-00-30 daily from 09.00 to 21.00

PROCESS “Standard” without a written conclusion of the contract can be purchased at any payment point of payment for the ZSD.

Plus transponder can only be in the sales and customer service center.

Thank you.

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