

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors carries out general management of the company.The composition of the board of directors is elected by the general meeting of participants in the company for a period until the next annual meeting.The main issues related to the competence of the board of directors are approval of the budget and the business plan of the company, the approval of the most important transactions for the company.

Asabali Arslanbekovich
General Director
Graduated from the Tyumen oil and gas university
1993 The beginning of labor
2006-2014held senior positions at the oil industry enterprises in the structures of TNK-BP and Rosneft
In 2015-2017He worked in the structures of the Rosvodokanal Group of Companies.Held the positions of the General Director of the Barnaul Vodokanal and Krasnodar Vodokanal
Since 2017, General Director of the Bashkir Concession Company

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