Answers on questions

Will it be possible for pedestrians to pass through the tunnel?
There is no pedestrian traffic through the tunnel.
In the event of an emergency in the southern tunnel, evacuation is carried out through the nearest blockage in the direction of movement towards the northern tunnel.
In the event of an emergency in the northern tunnel, persons to be evacuated enter the vestibule of the nearest evacuation block in the direction of movement towards the southern tunnel. To create comfortable conditions for evacuation for persons falling into the category of MGN (limited mobility groups of the population) in places of approaches to organized lock chambers, the level of benches of service passages is lowered to the level of the carriageway.
How will pedestrian traffic flow on the bridge?
The bridge is equipped with a 2.25 m wide sidewalk on the left side from pillar 1 to pillar 10. Access to the sidewalk on pillar 1 is from a platform arranged in front of the eastern portal of the tunnel. On the 10th support, a stair descent is provided, equipped with an elevator and subsequent descent along the ramp to the surface of the earth.
Will there be an elevator for pedestrians and people with limited mobility?
Yes. For the convenience of people with limited mobility, the stairway at pillar 1 will be equipped with an inclined lifting platform, on the 10th pillar of the bridge across the Ufa River there will be a stairway equipped with an elevator, followed by a ramp down to the ground.
Will there be exits from the "Eastern Exit" to the SNT for summer residents?
No. There are two interchanges "Fedorovka-Shaksha" on the "Eastern exit" and on the M-5 "Ural" highway.
Where will the fare be paid?
The fare will be paid at the Toll Collection Point (TOC), which is located on the section of the highway between the interchange with the Fedorovka-Shaksha highway and the bridge crossing over the river. Ufa. The TFR includes 10 traffic lanes, 5 lanes in each direction, including non-stop lanes and lanes for oversized vehicles.
The toll collection point includes a working and client area, as well as an administrative part with an adjacent landscaped area, entrances and exits, and a control center building.